Our Blog

HR & Compliance Audit

OUR INPUTS Systematic review and analysis of the ground level implementation of the HR Policies, Systems and Legal compliance. RESULTS Ensure policies and systems are actually implemented ...

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Saffron Consulting believes there are certain critical building blocks of an organization which need to be defined, reviewed and monitored regularly and effectively to ...

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HR Information & Analytics

Our HR Analytics services enable organizations to get meaningful insights from HR data collected from various enterprise-wide HR and non-HR processes. OUR INPUTS Develop a comprehensive ...

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Communication and Feedback

Integrated, strategic communications are pivotal to any organization’s success in engaging employees, managing change and achieving objectives. OUR INPUTS Saffron Consultants offer customized strategic communication plan ...

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Reward and Recognition

Employees are motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Rewarding performance fairly is a supervisory responsibility that occurs regularly, not once a year at ...

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Saffron Talent Management

Attracting and retaining the best people will give you commercial advantage and the talent you need for future success. To achieve this, you need effective ...

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Organization Design

How well organizations align their structures, processes, management systems and culture with a well-articulated strategy, greatly impacts their ability to execute and achieve bottom-line ...

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